The Glowing Pig Speaks

Kathy Weihe

………….(neon pigs cloned in China, Star-Tribune 2008)

Maybe I was once that luna moth
resting on your western window,
cradled by forest’s darkness
and the rim of glass displaying
your living space, and you.

I seem to remember how filled
you were with luminescence
at the vision of my fairy’s form
in a brilliantly beautiful gloss of green.

But now I’m a mammal with no past,
and you cry over me, my gaze
in newsprint gray-tones, the precious
whiskers of my snoot and hoof.

You claim it was not your idea
to make a thing just because you can,
then expect it to know
who to follow in this world.

You know I’m smarter than a dog,
smarter even, than your dog.
What am I to do with this body,
with all its witness and woe?

Kathleen Weihe teaches developmental writing at Anoka-Ramsey Community College and lives in Minneapolis with her family.  She has received an artist’s assistance fellowship from the Minnesota State Arts Board, a Loft-McKnight Award, and participated in the Loft’s Mentor Series in 2000. She graduated from Hamline University with an MFA in writing, and is seeking a publisher for her poetry manuscript, Selves and Gods.


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